Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Prospero Año Nuevo!

Mamí, daddy, and Roman celebrated New Year's Eve by getting dressed up and heading out to dinner. We went to Suzi's Kitchen nearby. It was great. Roman was a perfect dinner companion. He had his meal (pureed mixed vegetables/rice cereal with breastmilk) and then tried some white rice. He hasn't really perfected his pincer grasp (which lets him pick up small objects between his thumb and forefinger) but he gives it the old college try. Check out the pics. daddy thinks that he looks like an Amway salesperson looking to close a deal!

1 comment:

LeftyMama said...

Cool reflection on the table.

Yep, those sure are big boy clothes. How old is Roman now? Thirty-five? :o)