baby Felix- 3 months

We had a blast. It was a true test of mamí's patience during the long flight from Houston-Detroit The key was to always keep something handy to entertain him with. and of course snacks... but you have to be careful not to offer snacks when he is not hungry, because that is when you will have flying goldfish, cheerios, etc all over the aisles and passengers' laps.... mamí is not sure whether a window or aisle seat is best. An aisle seat allowed us to walk up and down the aisle, without bothering fellow passengers. But the window seat on the short flight from Austin to Houston, entertained Roman for the whole time. The continental flight attendants were awesome, letting us hangout in the back part of the plane. Roman explored that area for awhile. He finally crashed for a portion of the trip, and mamí got to nap (good thing because our travels started at 4:45 am!)
The trip back was so much better because we had a row of seats to ourselves (even his stuffed toy penguin had a seat). Roman entertained himself with the seat belt, and had a good time. He kept himself busy with a box of 4 crayons. He put them in and took them out for about 15 minutes. It was great! You can see more photos at his shutterfly webpage

You are brave, Mami!
Glad to hear the airline staff were helpful. We're gonna fly to Utah in December and I'm nervous about how we'll keep our little guy in check during the long, boring days of travel.
Awesome pic of running in the grass!
I can't believe how big he's getting! He's such a little man -- running around, jet-setting around the country, entertaining himself! He's looking adorable and totally huggable.
They are all so cute.
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