Saturday, June 09, 2007

Lights, Camera, Action Take two!

It might not have been obvious but Roman got his first hair cut in the middle of May. Papá took Roman to a children's salon and mamá was not invited. must be a boy thing. No pictures are available (Mamá was not happy about this)... Give some credit to papá though, some of the curls were saved for a memory box. There was a re-enactment today!

He was excited at first to be on a motorcycle... then was a little cautious....

then it went downhill!

He wasn't too happy at the very end... we think it was worth it, he looks adorable!


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a big boy! The re-enactment was definitely worth it.
Hugs, Lydia

LeftyMama said...

Aww.... Pretty good 'do for such a wiggle worm client. Wish our own baby had some hair to cut ;o)