For the past month, Roman has been eating rice cereal. He is still nursing, but we have begun the process to introduce solid foods. Apparently rice cereal is a good first food because it’s easy to digest and is the least type of food to cause allergies. Check out his picture in his high chair.

We are not sure if he likes the cereal or if he just wants to eat the bowl and spoon. Before we got the high chair, he was eating from his bumbo seat. For you non-parents, the bumbo seat is this awesome sturdy foam seat that babies can be sitted in w/ support starting at 3 months old.

The doctor told us at his fourth month check up that he could start eating cereal. But of course, I was not ready to admit that our baby was ready for solids. The picture on the left was one of the first attempts at giving him cereal. You can tell he is not sure what to do with this new substance.

Its also great that Eric can feed Roman. Up until 5 months, his only source of nutrition came from mami.
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