Saturday, March 31, 2007
Easter Bunny Photo Time
this weekend, we took Roman to take his photo with the Easter bunny at Highland Mall. We weren't sure what to expect. as you can see he wasn't too excited about the gigantic Easter bunny. At least he didn't cry.....

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
peek a boo!
On the weekends, we would love to spend all our time playing with Roman. But we also need to get some housework done! Here are pics one of our favorite activities. Changing sheets this way may take us much longer, but we love to hear Roman's laughter and see him smile, when he has is having a good time playing peek a boo under the sheet!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Friday, March 16, 2007
He crawls!
Roman began to crawl for the first time. Up until this time, he was not too thrilled about it. But I think he has the idea that he can now get to places without anyone's help.
its not a marathon distance, but check him out.
its not a marathon distance, but check him out.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Grandma and Potty Training
So Roman's grandma thought she could have Roman potty trained in a week. She always reminds us that her 7 kids were potty trained before they were turned 1. She had us buy a little potty for Roman to practice. We have had one successful pee, and he proceeded to drop off his duck block in it!
We will give him credit for not screaming and fighting the potty! He does like to sit on it and kick his soccer ball...
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Aunt Lucy came to Town!
Roman had a great weekend. His aunt Lucy and his cousin Randy came to town to visit for the weekend.
His Aunt Lucy is a fitness queen, and here she is already getting Roman to do pull ups!
We had lots of fun doing what Hernandez sisters like to do... shopping! Of course daddy joined us only for mealtimes.. not a big fan of shopping. We went to the new shops at the Domain on Saturday and then the outlets in Round Rock on Sunday. He had loads of fun hanging out on the rides that are in different sections of the outlets. watch out he might wanna race in the Daytona 500!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
What a champ!
Roman's ear tube surgery was today. Mamí thought it was going to be really difficult getting Roman to fast from midnight to the next day. His surgery was scheduled for 7 am today. The nurse that handled the phone check in, let Mamí know that Roman could have formula up until midnight. So maybe stayed up to feed Roman his last bottle at 11:45 pm. She didn't mind because it reminded her of how she used to give Roman a dream feed at around 10:30 pm. the baby whisperer book had a suggestion that if you cluster feed (every two hours) your baby ( not before 6 weeks) before bedtime (ie.. 6 pm & 8 pm) , and then nursed or bottle fed him at 10:30pm while asleep. This would help keep baby from waking up hungry until five to six hours later. may not seem much, but Roman was feeding 2 or 3 times a night from birth to 3 months old.
It was such a peaceful time to just stare at Roman while he nursed and slept in Mamí's arms. We stopped dream feeds when Roman was about 5 months. He was able to get all his nutrition needs during the day.

Anyway, Roman did very well today. His surgeon said he came to an cried a little but when we saw him in the recovery room he seemed just a little grumpy. After a nursing session, he was back to his old self! These pictures were of him later today after his surgery. A little tylenol makes him happy!
It was such a peaceful time to just stare at Roman while he nursed and slept in Mamí's arms. We stopped dream feeds when Roman was about 5 months. He was able to get all his nutrition needs during the day.
Anyway, Roman did very well today. His surgeon said he came to an cried a little but when we saw him in the recovery room he seemed just a little grumpy. After a nursing session, he was back to his old self! These pictures were of him later today after his surgery. A little tylenol makes him happy!
Friday, March 02, 2007
What weaning me? No problem!
Its official, Roman is now on 100 percent formula. We started to wean him due to mami's job schedule and mami wanted her body back. At first we thought he would not take kindly to the fact that mami's milk was not going to be an option anymore. Since, he took Mamí's pumped milk in bottles at school, it was an easy switch to formula for those feedings at the beginning of the month. Mamí had also dropped the nursing session at lunch due to the legislative session in January making her lunch hour unpredictable. The remaining (morning and evening) were the hardest. Not for Roman but for Mamí. He didn't seem to care. I supposed it was easier because he wasn't used to falling asleep while nursing. As you can see from the picture, he will drink from his bottle happily!
Now that he is on formula, mami can sleep in late on the weekends. daddy can feed Roman his first bottle ( 5:30-6am), without Mamí working about her milk supply! This way Roman can take his early nap with Mamí later on.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
2 more months!
Roman is now two months away from his first birthday! We can't believe how time has flown by. We had an appointment today with a Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctor today. Roman's ear infection hasn't cleared up and the liquid in his ear is affecting his hearing. An audiologist performed some tests today and determined that Roman's hearing is not where its supposed to be. We had to weigh the option of Roman constantly being on antibiotics or have ear tube surgery. As terrifying as it sounds to have our baby under anesthesia, we didn't want Roman to have to suffer anymore pain or digestive issues. So we scheduled his surgery for March 7th. He will be in surgery for about 10-15 minutes. Mamí is probably the one that needs to be strong. Roman's been a little fussy but he can still manage to have fun.

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